Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014

Fakta Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke Uchiha
(うちはサスケ, Uchiha Sasuke)adalah salah satu dari dua anggota klan Uchiha yang masih hidup dari Konohagakure. Dia menjadi shinobi sehingga ia dapat menjadi cukup kuat untuk membalas dendam keluarganya dengan menghabisi pembunuh mereka: kakaknya, Itachi. Dia awalnya anggota dari Tim 7, tetapi kemudian membelot dari desa untuk memperoleh kekuatan dari Orochimaru dan Akatsuki, sehingga menjadi pidana internasional. Namun, setelah mengejar bereinkarnasi Itachi dan belajar kebenaran tentang dirinya, ia telah memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap Pasukan Aliansi Shinobi, dan dalam proses menebus dirinya sebagai shinobi dari desa asalnya dengan ambisi mendapat gelar Hokage.

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Sasuke saat masih bayi.
Sasuke adalah anak kedua sekaligus anak terakhir dari kapten Angkatan Kepolisian Militer Konoha dan pemimpin klan Uchiha: Fugaku Uchiha, dan istrinya Mikoto Uchiha. Mikoto menamainya sama dengan ayah dari Hokage Ketiga dengan harapan bahwa dia akan tumbuh menjadi ninja yang hebat seperti pemilik nama aslinya.[4] Sebagai anak-anak, Sasuke tumbuh di dalam bayang-bayang kakaknya, Itachi Uchiha yang diakui oleh klan Uchiha sebagai jenius, dan bekerja mempererat hubungan antara desa dan klan. Ayah Sasuke memiliki ketertarikan khusus pada Itachi. Itachi, di sisi lain, lebih berperasaan dan penuh dengan arus perselisihan yang aneh, mengakui Sasuke dengan mengambil ketertarikan dalam pekerjaannya sebagai ninja dan menghabiskan waktu bermain bersamanya ketika ayah mereka tak melakukannya. Bahkan setelah Sasuke masuk Akademi, dia masih tidak bisa menghindar dari bayang-bayang Itachi.[5] Meski telah konsisten mendapat nilai tertinggi di kelasnya, Sasuke gagal menerima pengakuan dari ayahnya, yang menegaskan bahwa keberhasilan Sasuke hanya ucapan dari kakaknya.[6] Itachi mengakui niat bersaing Sasuke dengan mengatakan: "Kita ini bersaudara. Aku adalah dinding yang harus kau runtuhkan, agar kau dan aku dapat bertahan bersama." Meskipun demikian Itachi sangat peduli terhadap adiknya dan Sasuke memperhatikan Itachi, mencoba untuk melebihinya.
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Sasuke dan Itachi ketika masih muda.
Ketika Sasuke berusia 7, hubungan antara Itachi dan ayahnya memburuk setelah Itachi ditanyai oleh anggota lain dari klan Uchiha mengenai bunuh diri sahabatnya, Shisui. Perilaku Itachi menjadi semakin aneh, ayah Sasuke mulai menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dengan Sasuke, dan mulai mengajarinya Teknik Bola Api Besar, teknik keluarga yang umum terlihat sebagai tanda kematangan usia di klan Uchiha.[7] Ketika Sasuke pertama kali mencoba untuk melakukan teknik ini, ia hanya menghasilkan api kecil dan setelah itu, beberapa asap. Ayahnya mengatakan bahwa Itachi bisa melakukannya pada percobaan pertamanya pada umur Sasuke, dan kecewa padanya. Kemudian, dengan satu minggu pelatihan, Sasuke melakukan teknik di depan ayahnya, membuktikan dirinya juga benar-benar ajaib dan akhirnya menerima pengakuan individual ayahnya setelah Itachi. Ayah Sasuke mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia kini bisa dengan bangga mengenakan lambang klan di punggungnya. Setelah ini, Sasuke juga menerima peringatan keras untuk tidak mengikuti jejak Itachi lebih jauh, mengejutkan dia karena sebelumnya, ia diperintahkan untuk menjadi seperti kakaknya; dan ayahnya menunjukkan ia bangga pada Sasuke untuk pertama kalinya dengan cara yang sama seperti yang ia digunakan untuk Itachi.
Pada beberapa titik di masa lalu, Sasuke dan Itachi bergabung pada misi untuk menangkap babi hutan. Sasuke memegang busur dan diberitahu oleh Itachi tidak menembak poin penting. Namun, Sasuke gagal dan membuat babi mengamuk. Akhirnya mereka mengalahkan babi hutan dan Sasuke meminta maaf atas buruknya kelakuannya, Itachi menanggapi dengan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ia harus berlatih lagi.[8]
Pada suatu malam yang naas, Itachi membunuh setiap anggota klan Uchiha, dan hanya menyisakan Sasuke, lalu mengatakan bahwa ia bahkan tidak layak untuk dibunuh. Selain itu, Itachi mengatakan kepadanya, "Kau akan selalu ingin melampaui aku. Itu sebabnya aku akan membiarkan engkau hidup... jika Kau ingin membunuhku, kemudian membenciku, bencilah aku ... dan dengan segala cara larilah, kehidupan yang buruk akan selalu bersamamu." Itachi juga mengungkapkan Sasuke dimana tempat pertemuan rahasia Uchiha disembunyikan, dan menyarankan Sasuke pergi ke sana untuk mempelajari apa sejarah dan tujuan sebenarnya dari Sharingan itu. Dia mengatakan kepadanya bahwa " untuk membangkitkan Mangekyo Sharingan, " dia " harus membunuh orang yang paling dekat dengannya", dan bahwa "ketika kita bertarung, kita harus memiliki mata yang sama". Sasuke mengira dia pingsan setelah ini, tapi kemudian teringat bahwa ia telah berhasil berdiri kembali, membangunkan Sharingan, dan mengejar Itachi. Setelah mencapai Itachi, ia menggunakan pisau untuk memotong pelindung dahinya. Itachi terlihat menumpahkan air mata saat ia mengambil pelindung dahi. Dia kemudian melanjutkan untuk melumpuhkan Sasuke, yang lalu terbangun di rumah sakit mengingat hanya itu yang ingin dia tahu tentang Itachi.
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Naruto dan Sasuke bersaing di Akademi.
Ketika Sasuke pertama kali bertemu Naruto Uzumaki di Akademi, mereka ditunjuk untuk bertarung terhadap satu sama lain. Naruto senang pada kesempatan untuk mengalahkan Sasuke dan menjadi populer seperti dia, tapi ia mudah dikalahkan. Dengan melihat ke dalam mata Sasuke, Naruto menyadari bahwa dia begitu penuh dengan kebencian yang tampaknya seolah-olah dia bahkan tidak melihat Naruto. Ketika Iruka mengatakan kepada mereka untuk membuat segel rekonsiliasi, mereka berdua menolak.[9] Sampai lulus dari Akademi, Sasuke tetap penyendiri dan tidak pernah mengakui upaya Naruto untuk mengalahkan dia, mengingat dia putus asa dan dengan demikian, seseorang seperti itu tidak layak hanya membuang waktu atau energi.

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

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Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: Nagato (長門, Nagato) grew up in Amegakure during the Second Shinobi World War. Orphaned by the conflict, Nagato banded together with his fellow war-orphans to form Akatsuki, an organisation whose goals were to stop the endless cycles of death. After his friend and leader, Yahiko, was killed for preaching peace, Nagato became convinced the world would never stop fighting willingly unless it knew what true pain is. He adopted the alias of Pain (ペイン, Pein) and began leading Akatsuki in an effort to force the world into a state of peace through fear of destruction by Akatsuki and. Contents [show] Background Nagato Nagato as a child. When Nagato was a child, Madara Uchiha claims to have transplanted his own eyes into the young boy without his knowledge.[7] Nagato lived with his parents in a village somewhere on the outskirts of Amegakure. One day, during the Second Shinobi World War, two Konoha shinobi attempted to find some rest and food in their thought-to-be-abandoned home. Believing that the shinobi were there to kill them, his parents died during the ensuing chaos in their effort to protect Nagato, as confused and shocked, the Konoha ninja mistook them for enemy shinobi. After witnessing his parents death, Nagato in his grief used the Rinnegan for the first time and killed the assailants.[8] Nagato would eventually come to regard this as the first of two great sources of pain in his life,[9] only later realising that it was him who had killed the two shinobi.[10] The orphaned Nagato wandered the country, travelling from house to house alongside a dog named Chibi, begging for food. Eventually, Nagato started to starve and later collapsed, which lead to him being found by Konan, who gave him a loaf of bread before taking him to the hideout she and Yahiko had made their home. At first, Yahiko was reluctant to have another mouth to feed, but reconsidered having Nagato hang around due to both boys sharing the dream of a world without suffering. The three then began to search for supplies, often stealing them to survive. One day, Chibi was killed in the crossfire from Hanzō's fight with several Konoha shinobi, including the Sannin, with Nagato and the other orphans later mourning the dog's death.[11] As the war was nearing its conclusion, the three orphans encountered the Sannin themselves. Although Orochimaru intended to kill the children to put them out of their misery, Jiraiya decided to remain in Amegakure to teach the trio how to protect themselves.[12] AME OrphansT The Ame Orphans. Soon after Jiraiya began living with the orphans, Nagato and Yahiko were attacked by a chūnin from Iwagakure. The need to protect his friend caused Nagato unknowingly resort to his Rinnegan once again to defend Yahiko, killing the ninja. When Jiraiya found out about this, he decided to train them in ninjutsu.[13] Nagato was very emotional about killing the ninja and asked Jiraiya for help so he could protect Konan and Yahiko. Jiraiya's response was for Nagato to grow up and to use his eyes to find the peace that they both desired for the world. Three years later, the orphans had become competent ninja, so Jiraiya returned to Konoha.[14] Yahiko's Group The original Akatsuki. Over the years, news of their exploits would reach Jiraiya, often consisting of the death of someone who opposed them. Eventually, he received word that they had all died.[15] In truth, Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko began a quest to find peace by forming an organisation called Akatsuki with Yahiko as its leader. They became full-fledged Amegakure ninja and gathered followers who shared their philosophies as well as their dream of an end to all conflict.[16] At some point, Obito Uchiha and Zetsu found Nagato, with Obito introducing himself as Madara Uchiha.[17] The trio had their doubts about the masked man actually being Madara, but Nagato became interested in his plans after hearing "Madara" mention the Rinnegan and what he could do with it.[18] Fearing that Akatsuki would become a threat to his regime, Hanzō schemed with Danzō of Konoha's Root to eliminate its three leading members by making it seem that Hanzō wanted to discuss peace. Once the trap was sprung, Hanzō placed Nagato in a position where he had to kill Yahiko with a kunai, otherwise Konan would die. Before Nagato could take either option, Yahiko forcibly impaled himself onto the kunai that was placed in Nagato's hand, sparing him from making such a horrid decision himself. In his final moments, Yahiko told Nagato to survive as he believed him to be the saviour that Jiraiya spoke of. The death of his friend marked the second great pain of Nagato's life.[19] Nagato Statue Nagato after he used the Demonic Statue. Devastated as he retrieved Konan along with Yahiko's corpse, a furious Nagato launched an attack on Hanzō's men. After summoning the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path and becoming emaciated from the numerous black rods that it embedded in his back, Nagato slaughtered everyone except Hanzō, who used a trap to cripple Nagato's legs. Becoming the new leader of Akatsuki, now going by the name of "Pain", Nagato severed his ties to Amegakure and resolved to show the world what the meaning of pain is.[20] Devising a means to regain movement by converting Yahiko's body into the first of his Six Paths of Pain, the Deva Path, Pain led rebelling forces in the Amegakure civil war and took control of the village by assassinating Hanzō. Concealing his true body in the shadows, and becoming a "god" to Amegakure's people, Pain solidified his leadership by systematically killing anyone who had ties to the former leader, from friends and family to ambassadors from other ninja villages.[21][22] At some point during this time following Yahiko's death, Nagato fell under the command of Obito Uchiha and Akatsuki was reformed into a criminal organisation through his influence. Personality As a child, Nagato was a sensitive, kind boy, prone to crying, and was traumatised by the idea of killing others, even if it was to save his friend Yahiko. Scared and unsure of his place in the world, he desired to help those he cared about, but never knew how. He was consistently respectful and kind to Konan, who he claimed to be his "angel" in Amegakure. He was shown protecting her, without request or hesitation from Jiraiya before his battle with his former teacher. Apparently, she was the only Akatsuki member that addressed him by name. He was aware of Konan's feelings towards Yahiko and left them alone to have personal time together. As an adult, after losing Yahiko, his personality became very different, having become an aloof, stolid, and serious man. Apparently believing the traumas he experienced in his youth had enlightened him to the true meaning of pain and suffering, he considered himself a deity, and believed he had evolved beyond a mere human being. He sought to show the world the meaning of pain by using an ultimate weapon to deter future wars, by means similar to "mutually assured destruction", and showed no moral qualms about his actions. He was even willing to kill Jiraiya, his former sensei, to ensure the completion of his plans. He even went so far as to proclaim himself a "god of peace", that had to guide the world to maturity through pain. Finally, he felt that no-one could understand true peace unless they understood "true" pain, something his childhood friend Yahiko believed. Minato Namikaze believed Tobi to have been using this philosophy in his favour, in order to manipulate Nagato.[23] Nonetheless, he was seen to be quite respectful, particularly to the fallen and the dead. Given the Akatsuki members' frequent bickering, he often quelled them and encouraged better relations among members. He even suggested that they mourn for Deidara after his passing,[24] and reprimanded Kisame for calling Hidan and Kakuzu the "Zombie Combo".[25] After his battle with Jiraiya, he held a moment of silence for his former teacher, out of respect for his power.[26] He also told Kakashi that he was honoured to meet him during his invasion of Konohagakure.[27] Because Konohagakure was partly responsible for the tragedies in his life, he held a great deal of animosity towards the village. Although Jiraiya's influence improved his opinion of the village during their time together, he eventually came to believe that Konoha profited from the tragedies of others and hated it and his former teacher. A prevalent trait that Nagato possessed during his early years (and to some extent his adulthood) is his submissiveness and his willingness to follow the lead of others. As a child, he followed Yahiko due to his position as leader, and when he grew older he almost immediately fell for Obito's manipulation who was masquerading himself as Madara but was saved by Yahiko. After Yahiko's death, Nagato immediately turned to Obito for leadership believing him to be Madara and when pushed to the brink of defeat he was converted by Naruto within one conversation. After his reincarnation, Nagato was shown to be kinder and carefree to the point he was even willing to start making jokes, something which surprised Naruto.[28] His opinion of Naruto also strengthened after he last saw him, pointing out to Itachi Uchiha that he wasn't surprised that Naruto was able to advance his control over the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox since they both had studied under the same master.[29] Appearance Ame Orphans young adults The Ame Orphans as young adults. Nagato was a fair-skinned man with chin-length red hair (a colour which is a trademark of the Uzumaki clan) with his most noticeable trait being his Rinnegan eyes. As a child, his hair would regularly hang off his face blocking the view of his eyes; later only covering the right side of his face. As adult, Nagato grew to be slightly shorter than Yahiko, but after subjecting himself to the Summoning: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, Nagato was reduced to an emaciated version of his former self with chakra receivers implanted into his back, one in each of his shoulder joints, smaller ones in his forearms and two metal-like screw under his collar bones, near his shoulder joint. Nagato uses a mechanical walker for mobility, which could fire chakra receivers for personal defence. He was the only Akatsuki member never seen wearing the organisation's uniform, until after his death, and he ceased wearing a slashed out forehead protector after defeating Hanzō. However, his Six Paths of Pain wore both in his stead. After Nagato used the Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique to revive all the Konohagakure citizens that had been killed during his invasion, his red hair turned white due to the overexertion of his chakra. When reincarnated by Kabuto, Nagato was left in the exact state as he died - emaciated and with white hair. The only exception were black rods that are no longer attached to his body. However, after Nagato uses his ability to absorb chakra from B's Version 2 form, this chakra seemingly revitalised Nagato's body, restoring his muscle mass, and restoring his hair colour from white back to the Uzumaki clan's characteristic red colour. Abilities Nagato using the Asura Path Nagato using the abilities of the Six Paths Technique after being reincarnated. As the leader of the S-rank criminal organisation Akatsuki, and one of the two sides of the Amegakure civil war, Nagato was an extraordinarily powerful shinobi, and recognised as the most powerful member of Akatsuki. As a child, he was extraordinarily powerful even before becoming a shinobi, having killed a chūnin while protecting Yahiko. Even in his emaciated state, he was considered to be Kabuto Yakushi's second strongest reincarnated shinobi, since the latter noted that he'd have to bring out his trump card after Nagato was sealed.[30] His partner, Konan, had stated that he had never lost a single battle, and that he was "unbeatable."[31][32] Fukasaku stated that without understanding Pain's power, no one could defeat him,[33] and even Obito noted that Nagato was invincible while praising Jiraiya.[34] Even Kakashi Hatake, who is noted to be one of Konoha's top shinobi, opted not to face Nagato alone,[35] and ultimately was defeated by the latter alongside Chōza and Chōji Akimichi.[36] Nagato was also able kill Jiraiya with relative ease after revealing all six of his bodies. In praising his former teacher, Nagato later noted that he had underestimated Jiraiya's level of genjutsu usage, stating that he likely would not have won if Jiraiya had uncovered the secret behind his Six Paths of Pain technique.[26] It was with these six bodies that Nagato led a civil war in Amegakure that not only easily killed Hanzō and overthrew his regime, but also eradicated his lineage and anyone remotely associated with him and his ideals.[21][22] Zetsu expressed shock when Nagato was defeated by Naruto Uzumaki, stating that he never thought Nagato would ever lose, even in a weakened state.[37] After being reincarnated by Kabuto Yakushi and regaining his vitality, he was able to easily overwhelm both Naruto Uzumaki in his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode and Killer B and would have killed them both had it not been for Itachi Uchiha's intervention. It took the combined efforts of those three men to successfully defeat him. Nagato's legs were greatly damaged in his battle against Hanzō. As a result, even though he was able stand on his own, he lacked full mobility. To make up for this, while alive, Nagato used the Six Paths of Pain to fight for him while he remained in a mechanical walker. When he was reincarnated by Kabuto, he used various summons to move around and to keep himself out of range of his opponents' attacks. Though even after being rejuvenated by Gyūki's chakra, which he had absorbed from Killer B, Nagato's mobility was still limited. Stamina and Life Force As a member of the Uzumaki clan, he also possessed an exceptionally strong life force and the potential for an incredibly long life span. It has been noted at several points in time that Nagato possessed an unusually large amount of exceptionally strong chakra. Tsunade's Anbu escorts expressed shock on how much chakra he could produce through Deva Path. It was to the point that even after he decimated Konoha and fought Naruto Uzumaki, he still had enough strength to revive all of the people he had killed since arriving in the village. Likewise, Nagato demonstrated considerable control over his chakra, able to constantly alter its nature to prevent sensors from detecting his signature. Taijutsu While not shown in full, Nagato had shown a high level of taijutsu showcased through his Six Paths of Pain, and especially the Asura Path. He was easily able to overwhelm characters as skilled in taijutsu as Kakashi Hatake through his Deva Path with a chakra receiver despite his Sharingan being active. He was also able to contend with Jiraiya's Sage Mode strength, able to block one of his kicks through Human Path with one hand despite the path being blinded. Even the likes of Killer B have been easily restrained by him with one hand. Not only that, when his Deva Path was under a cool down after using the gigantic version of Shinra Tensei he was able to fight Naruto Uzumaki nigh-evenly in taijutsu while he was getting ready to get back into Sage Mode despite Naruto's extensive taijutsu training with the toads. He has also displayed highly impressive speed and reflexes as well. When rescuing Konan from Hanzō he could cover a massive amount of distance in an instant with Hanzō being unable to react until after he had saved Konan. He could easily react to Naruto's thrown Wind Release: Rasenshuriken, either dodging with less than a second to spare or blocking it with Preta Path, a feat that's only been replicated by the Third Raikage. And after his reincarnation he was able to attack Killer B from behind after blowing him a considerable distance with a focused Shinra Tensei, practically appearing right behind him out of nowhere despite his limited mobility. As shown in a few instances, Nagato was also very resilient, being capable of withstanding a direct Version 2 Lariat performed by Killer B without significant injury.[38] He also had a high tolerance to pain, not showing significant discomfort at having both of his legs partially blown apart and incinerated, an injury that would inhibit his mobility for the rest of his life.[39] Ninjutsu Magic Lantern Body technique Nagato using the Magic Lantern Body technique through the Deva Path. While acting through the Deva Path, Nagato displayed a wide range of techniques. Nagato was responsible for Akatsuki's meetings by using a technique that allowed him to pick up their thought waves and broadcast them in the form of an astral projection to a specific location. During the time when a tailed beast was being extracted from its jinchūriki, Nagato would set up various ways to stall and prevent potential rescuers from getting to them in time to stop the extraction. Among these various techniques was the Five-Seal Barrier, which prevented anyone from destroying anything that was within its boundaries without simultaneously removing the five seals — an effective method to split enemy forces. Nagato also added another safety procedure, which activated once the seals had been removed, creating copies that perfectly resembled the ones who removed the seals, imitating their battle skills as well. Another technique that Nagato used to delay and stop pursuers from interrupting the extraction was the Shapeshifting Technique, which allowed Nagato to allocate a portion of an individual's chakra and transfer it into a living human sacrifice, allowing the original to fight by controlling their "copy". This allowed the sacrifices to attain whatever kekkei genkai, techniques and weapons the individual possessed. However, once the allocated chakra was finished along with the sacrifice's own, the technique would cancel and the copy would be killed. Nagato was also adept at the use of genjutsu, having used it to install mental barriers and traps in his minions' minds to prevent others from accessing secret information.[40] Nagato was able to use the Summoning Technique to summon Konan and the other Six Paths. He could also use the Amplification Summoning Technique, which allowed him to summon an animal with a specific condition. Furthermore, when guarding Amegakure Nagato was able to use the Rain Tiger at Will Technique to make it rain. This rain was infused with his chakra and as such, served as a large-scale sensory technique for him in his village. Nagato was also a sensor, and was able to detect the build up of Amaterasu before it was launched and even pinpoint Kabuto Yakushi kilometres away despite the latter having erected a barrier around his location.[41][42] Rinnegan Main article: Rinnegan Nagato Rinnegan Nagato's Rinnegan. Nagato wielded the power of the legendary Rinnegan,[7] a dōjutsu which was not seen by the world since possessed by the Sage of the Six Paths, the world's first shinobi, and the founder of modern ninjutsu. While not an original wielder, as Madara Uchiha implanted his own Rinnegan into Nagato, Nagato proved able to wield both eyes without drawbacks even in his emaciated state; unlike Obito Uchiha, who could only bear one eye despite his various augmentations and advanced knowledge of the dōjutsu.[43] Even as a child, Jiraiya noted that Nagato had mastered every ninjutsu he taught him and with the Rinnegan, he was able to master all five basic nature transformations as a child — something that was completely unprecedented.[44] According to Ibiki, the Rinnegan allowed Nagato to use any technique he wished.[45] Similar to the other great dōjutsu, the Rinnegan bestowed him with enhanced vision, allowing him to see chakra and otherwise invisible barrier techniques, which he used during his invasion of Konoha to detect the barrier around the perimeter of the location. Due to his possession of Madara Uchiha's Rinnegan and his own Senju lineage, Nagato was also able to summon and control the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.[7] Like other users of the Rinnegan, and through the use of the Outer Path, Nagato has shown capable of manifesting chakra receivers. This is an ability that could even be channelled through his Deva Path. As stated by Konan, Nagato was able to use all of the ablities of the Six Paths Technique himself, as they are all abilities of the Rinnegan. This was later demonstrated after he was reincarnated by Kabuto Yakushi. With his ability to simultaneously utilise the various abilities of the Six Paths Technique with one body, Nagato proved to be a formidable opponent, easily overwhelming Naruto and Killer B at the same time. Naruto noted that since he was using his real body, the strength and speed of his techniques were on a much higher level.[46] However, when fighting on his own, Nagato was without the protection and shared vision offered by the Six Paths of Pain. Six Paths of Pain Main article: Six Paths of Pain New Six Paths Anime The Six Paths of Pain. Nagato's most powerful and most used technique was the Six Paths of Pain (ペイン六道, Pein Rikudō). This technique allowed Nagato to control six separate bodies as though they were his own. Each of these bodies were reanimated corpses that were both kept mobile by and made use of Nagato's own chakra. By using these six bodies for combat rather than himself, Nagato avoided the risk of being killed in battle by a stronger opponent and compensated for his lack of mobility. As Nagato's vision was linked with the bodies, he essentially had six fields of vision, making it virtually impossible for his enemies to attack any of the bodies without being seen. Nagato's vision was also linked with the King of Hell and the various creatures he summoned, which also possessed Rinnegan. While controlling the Six Paths under the alias of "Pain", Nagato still regarded the bodies as separate entities from himself.[47] The Paths were unable to feel physical pain, as they were merely manipulated corpses, which Ibiki Morino discovered when he tried torturing the second Animal Path.[48] While making use of the technique, Nagato remained in a machine that moved with six relatively small mechanical legs and used several large chakra rods on his back to transmit chakra to the corpses. From his location, the chakra was picked up by the numerous receivers, modelled as body piercings on each body. To control them, Nagato had to be close by, and ideally at the highest possible point, so he could have the best possible range. Certain techniques, such as Chibaku Tensei could only be used through the Six Paths while they were within a certain range of Nagato. His technique output was also increased while focusing on only one of the Six Paths, although this would leave the others vulnerable and, in the case of overusing the Deva Path's ability, shorten Nagato's lifespan and require the Deva Path's power to recharge for a longer amount of time than usual. Nagato was also able to fire chakra receivers from his mechanical walker and, from a close enough range, control the bodies of those pierced by them with his chakra, although this effect could be resisted.[49] Based on the six Buddhist Realms of Reincarnation, each body was named after one of the Six Paths techniques: Deva, Asura, Human, Animal, Preta, and Naraka. The only common feature shared by these bodies was their bright orange hair and their Rinnegan. Each also had a vast number of body and facial piercings of various shapes, sizes, and patterns. Each body seemed to serve a specific purpose in battle, such as summoning, repairing, and defensive capability. Nagato himself was regarded as the seventh Pain, the "Outer Path", with control over the forces of life and death. The Outer Path abilities also allowed for Nagato's use of the Six Paths of Pain. Fukasaku stated that the best way of fighting Pain was to take out the Six Paths one at a time, as they were most formidable when fighting together.[50] Intelligence Nagato has shown a quite analytical and strategic mind, and could be considered a genius. At age 10 he managed to master all five basic Nature Transformations as well as Yin Release, Yang Release, and Yin–Yang Release which according to Jiraiya is completely unprecedented. When in battle, he was careful to keep his Six Paths of Pain a complete secret, using one or at most three bodies to engage an opponent while keeping the other three in reserve. If the three were defeated, he could easily send the other three to reinforce them and attack the enemy when they are off guard. When he launched his invasion on Konohagakure, he split and designated his bodies into specific tasks: Asura Path, Animal Path, and Preta Path ran diversionary tactics while Deva Path, Human Path, and Naraka Path ran reconnaissance. With this he was able to engage the entire village at once while keeping his true intentions a secret and ultimately he was able to accomplish his objective in locating Naruto. Due to Konoha starting to figure out his secrets, as well as Tsunade's defiance, he destroyed the village to preserve the former. When engaging Naruto, he chose a specific formation that would buy enough time for Deva Path's powers to regenerate and keep Naraka Path safe. Using this strategy he was able to temporarily defeat Naruto despite being exhausted and at a disadvantage from the start. Part I Sasuke Retrieval Arc Pain made a silhouette appearance with the other Akatsuki members while they were discussing Orochimaru and the Nine-Tails. Part II Pain appears frequently as a hologram during the early arcs of Part II, convening the Akatsuki members whenever a tailed beast needs to be sealed. As Part II progresses, portions of his face are shown before culminating in his full début alongside Konan. Kazekage Rescue Arc After Gaara was captured by Deidara and brought back to one of their secret hideouts, Pain assembled the other members of the Akatsuki where they extracted and sealed the One-Tail. Hidan and Kakuzu Arc After Yugito Nii was captured by Hidan and Kakuzu, Pain led the members of Akatsuki in sealing the Three-Tails and extracting the Two-Tails. Itachi Pursuit Arc Rain Tiger at Will Technique Pain stopping the rain in Amegakure. Jiraiya, Nagato's former master, enters the village through a frog. The moment Jiraiya fully releases himself from the frog, Pain feels a disturbance in the rain. Pain orders Konan to search for the intruder, and stops the rain. As Konan transforms into many pieces of paper, and folds herself into butterfly-like figures, Pain switches from the Deva Path to the Animal Path. Once the process was complete, he departed to search for Jiraiya as well. Jiraiya, now hidden inside of a body, heads more into Amegakure, and Konan catches him. Jiraiya comes out of the body, and begins to battle Konan. Konan ends up being covered in oil; unable to battle. Pain comes to Konan's rescue and cleans off the oil with foam with his Summoning Technique. Pain then summons a chameleon, and camouflages himself. Jiraiya sets off the Barrier: Canopy Method Formation, after summoning the "clumsy" toad: Gamaken. Pain summons again, but this time, a multi-headed dog. Jiraiya has a very hard time fighting these as it would escape most of Gamaken's attacks, and somewhat regenerate. Jiraiya finishes off the dogs by trapping them in a toad's stomach and digesting them. Pain then summons a drill-beaked bird. The bird follows Jiraiya and makes many attempts to kill him, though fails and ends up getting burned. Pain then summons a rhino, though it quickly gets finished off by Gamaken. Pain then summons a giant ox, and manages to hit Jiraiya. The shield set off by Jiraiya self-destructs, sending the ox flying. Soon after defeating the ox, he completes his Sage Mode activation and summons Fukasaku and Shima. They both easily dispose of the chameleon, revealing the Animal Path. The Preta Path and the Human Path are both summoned, in order to face Jiraiya. Blocking Technique Absorption Seal The Preta Path absorbing Jiraiya's attack. The Human Path attempts to kill Jiraiya, though it gets blinded by Jiraiya's kick to its head. Jiraiya then attempts to burn all three Paths with Sage Art: Goemon, though it gets absorbed by the Preta Path. Jiraiya then uses Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan, though it also gets absorbed. The Human Path attacks once again, and blinded, blocks Jiraiya's punch. The Animal Path gets distracted by a toad, and gets attacked by Jiraiya's Sage Art: Hair Needle Senbon. The Animal Path blocks the attack by summoning a giant panda. Jiraiya analyses their attacks, and escapes into the pipes. While in the pipes, he concludes that genjutsu will give him an opening against the Rinnegan. Jiraiya killed by Pain Nagato's Six Paths of Pain finishing off Jiraiya. The Paths then followed Jiraiya, and while doing so, get caught in genjutsu. Jiraiya then destroy the Paths. As Jiraiya leaves, he lets his guard down. One of the Paths manages to sneak up behind him, and removes his arm. The other paths come together, including the ones that got killed (which were rejuvenated by the Naraka Path). Jiraiya manages to kill the Animal Path, though ends up being brutally killed in turn. As Jiraiya sinks into the deep depths of the sea, Pain holds a moment of silence in respect for his former master. Tsuchigumo Kinjutsu Arc Main article: Tsuchigumo Kinjutsu Arc Pain confronts Utakata The Six Paths of Pain confronting Utakata. In the anime, after getting a replacement for the Animal Path, Pain is shown to have been assigned to capture the Six-Tails, which was sealed within Utakata, a missing-nin from Kirigakure. During his search, the Animal Path had his Giant Multi-Headed Dog scout the area, where it found and killed a group of Kirigakure hunter-nin led by Tsurugi. When Utakata later sought out Tsurugi and his men to turn himself in, he instead found Pain; Pain told Utakata that he would be needed to create his world, and informed the jinchūriki that he would be taking the Six-Tails. The Six Paths of Pain quickly captured him and then later extracted the beast. Invasion of Pain Arc See also: Invasion of Pain With only the Nine-Tails and Eight-Tails remaining, Pain and Konan set out for Konoha after receiving orders from Tobi to capture the former.[51] Eliminating the border guards upon their arrival, they infiltrated the village and dispersed, with each of the six Paths having a specific task: the Asura, Preta, and Animal Paths served as diversions, while the Deva, Human, and Naraka Paths and Konan in charge of reconnaissance. While exploring and laying waste to the village and its inhabitants, the Deva Path was confronted by Kakashi Hatake. The Asura Path came to its aid and together they overwhelmed Kakashi and his allies, but the Asura Path was destroyed. Pain at Konoha Pain preparing to destroy Konoha. Across the village, the remaining Paths continued their tasks, fighting whatever Konoha ninja they came across. The Deva Path met with Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, who refused to reveal Naruto's location. Elsewhere, the Human Path used its unique interrogation technique on Shizune to learn that Naruto was at Mount Myōboku. Declaring that he would teach Tsunade the pain that Konoha had been so ignorant of, Nagato had the Deva Path use Shinra Tensei to obliterate the village while Konan and the other Paths withdrew. As the smoke cleared, the Deva Path found that Naruto had returned with his toad allies. In retaliation for the village's destruction, Naruto swiftly crushed the newly-restored Asura Path and began his fight with the remaining Paths of Pain. The Animal Path called upon its summons to attack Naruto, who parried them with the aid of his toads and proceeded to defeat the Preta Path. Soon afterwards, Naruto eliminated the Human Path with his Wind Release: Rasenshuriken, and then teamed up with Gamabunta to defeat the Animal Path. Naruto pin down Pain pins Naruto down. With four of the Paths gone, the temporarily powerless Deva Path protected the Naraka Path, which restored the Preta Path. The Preta Path absorbed a second Rasenshuriken, but it had only been a diversion to give Naruto an opportunity to finish off the Naraka Path. The Deva Path, its power returned, detained Naruto so that the Preta Path could capture him and absorbed his chakra to immobilise him. Doing so caused it to absorb senjutsu chakra, which had the side effect of turning it to stone. Naruto escaped its clutches, but was seized once again by the Deva Path, who pinned him to the ground with chakra disruption blades. The Deva Path lectured Naruto about the chain of hatred, pain, suffering, and war that the ninja system brought to the world, and how he planned to use the tailed beasts' power to achieve peace and end conflict. He asks if Naruto can think of a better solution, but Naruto does not respond. Before the Deva Path could take Naruto away, Hinata Hyūga came to his defence. When she is apparently killed, Naruto became enraged and entered his six-tailed form, with which the Deva Path could not compete in its current condition. The Deva Path retreated to a location closer to Nagato, who had secluded himself nearby in order to control the Six Paths of Pain. This allowed the Deva Path to use Chibaku Tensei, trapping Naruto in a massive orb of earth and debris. This victory was short-lived, as Naruto soon progressed to an eight-tailed form and broke free of the Chibaku Tensei. Realising that he would have to make the sphere larger, it suddenly began to crumble and Naruto, reverting to his normal form, emerged from the ruins. Two students Nagato and Konan meet Naruto. Reflecting on the earlier lecture, Naruto demanded an opportunity to speak with Nagato, but was denied and attacked by the Deva Path. After failing to use Wind Release: Rasenshuriken twice, by taking advantage of the five second gap between the Deva Path's ability, Naruto was able to defeat it with a well-timed Rasengan. He removed one of its chakra receivers and inserted it into his skin to track the signal back to Nagato. Naruto goes to see him, but when he arrives Nagato fires another chakra receiver at him to try and control him. Naruto resists it despite his close proximity to Nagato. Although angry with Nagato for killing Jiraiya and destroying Konoha, Naruto asks how, as a fellow student of Jiraiya, he could have strayed so far from their master's teachings. Hoping that Naruto would come to agree with his solution for peace, Nagato told him his past, of his two great sorrows and how he came to believe pain would save the world. Although Naruto agreed with Nagato's ultimate conclusion, he rejected it for differing with Jiraiya's ideals. In doing so, he answered Nagato's earlier question about how to attain peace: by "breaking the cycle of hatred". He decided not to attempt to kill Nagato, as that would only perpetuate the cycle of revenge. Nagato Death Smile Nagato dying with a smile. Amazed by Naruto's resolve and remembering Jiraiya's teachings, Nagato decided to put his faith in Naruto's answer and used the Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique to revive all the Konohagakure citizens killed during his invasion at the cost of his life, causing his red-hair to turn pure white due to the overexertion. With his final breath, dying with a smile on his face, Nagato wished for Naruto's dream of peace to come true and, in regard to both the youth and their mentor's book, felt it was like "the work of a true god". Chikara Arc Main article: Chikara Arc In the anime, Nagato is summoned by Kabuto to battle Team Kakashi, who are investigating the massacre that he brought about in The Hole. Quickly after being summoned, Nagato's coffin vanishes with Kabuto questioning if the Impure World Reincarnation is incomplete.[52] Confining the Jinchūriki Arc In an attempt to both impede Tobi and coerce him into joining forces during their initial encounter, Kabuto Yakushi demonstrated his capabilities by reincarnating many of the deceased members of Akatsuki, including Nagato, using Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation. Despite appearing almost exactly in the same condition as the time of his death — visibly emaciated and with white hair — he lacked the chakra transmitters that were formerly embedded into his back.[53] Shinobi World War Arc Itachi and Nagato Nagato and Itachi en route. Mobilised alongside Itachi as the Fourth Shinobi World War against the Allied Shinobi Forces commenced, Nagato though reincarnated was still unable to fully use his feet and as such was initially carried upon Kakuzu's back. Later supported by Itachi, the now-isolated pair walked throughout the night, conversing about Akatsuki and how they both were and continued to be used simply because of their powerful dōjutsu. After pausing at a shrine and discussing Kabuto's influence on Tobi's plan, they march onwards till dawn, when they encountered Naruto and Killer B. Detecting their presence, Nagato noted a nostalgic feeling, before lamenting having to fight Naruto again. Naruto kills dog Nagato clashes with Naruto once more. Pleased to see him nonetheless, he congratulated his fellow disciple on gaining control of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and overcoming his hatred. As they attacked involuntarily, Nagato warned them of Itachi's impending assault, before being shocked at the revelation of the truth behind the Uchiha clan massacre. Using Banshō Ten'in to draw both Naruto and a huge rock towards one another, he marvelled at Naruto being able to deflect the attack. Remarking that the distance between them was good as he had limited mobility, Nagato jokingly retracts this, after summoning his dog and bird. As they clashed, Nagato told Naruto to attack him instead of the summons, because the dog would just continually multiply when struck. After a crow emerged from Naruto's mouth and sensing a change in Itachi, Nagato warned Naruto that the latter was about to use Amaterasu. However, when his summon is attacked instead, Nagato discerned the crow's purpose but only after he himself was engulfed in black flames. Falling to the ground, he began to burn before later repelling the flames with Shinra Tensei. Ningendo A revitalised Nagato removing Naruto's soul. With Kabuto erasing his consciousness, now regenerated and concealed within his summoned chameleon's mouth, Nagato unleashed a large-scale Shinra Tensei on his opponents. Aiming to attack B amidst the devastation, he is instead struck by the former's Version 2 Lariat, but avoids any significant injury by absorbing B's chakra. This chakra revitalised Nagato's body, returning him to his state prior to being emaciated by the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Casting B aside and whilst Naruto was restrained by the still invisible chameleon, he attempted to remove the latter's soul. NagatoImpaledAnime Nagato pierced by the Sword of Totsuka. After Kabuto decided to confine the jinchūriki's bodies and souls separately within the King of Hell, Nagato halted B's attempt to save Naruto, using two additional arms grown from his shoulder. With the two restrained, he started charging a powerful blast, only to be separated from them through Itachi's intervention. Nagato then proceeded to use Chibaku Tensei but even this was stopped, when its central sphere was destroyed by the combined effort of their strongest long-range techniques. Impaled by Susanoo's Sword of Totsuka before the dust settled, Nagato apologised to Itachi as his consciousness returned. Taking this opportunity to impart his last words, he told Naruto that he was part of a trilogy that included Jiraiya — who was perfect, himself — whom he deemed a failed work, even his master can't acknowledge him, and finally Naruto — whom he asked to create a masterpiece so as to erase his wrongs. Bidding them farewell as the sword seals him, Nagato remarked that he was going to rejoin his teacher in the afterlife. With Nagato sealed, Kabuto cursed the fact that Nagato's mobility was hampered and decided to resort to his "reserve".[54] Legacy Ame Memorial The shrine where Nagato and Yahiko's bodies lay. With Nagato's death, Konan defected from the Akatsuki as she stated that she no longer had a reason to remain since both Nagato and Yahiko were dead. She took Nagato's body, and that of Yahiko's back to Amegakure with her for burial. Both of their bodies were dressed in Akatsuki mantles, and laid in a large body of flowers within a shrine. Because Nagato gave his life to help Naruto achieve peace, Konan vows Amegakure's allegiance to him in this pursuit. It was also due to this battle that Naruto noted that he knew what true loss was, and from the subsequent meeting with Nagato and Konan that spurred Naruto on to find peace in the world. Tobi was surprised by news of Nagato's death and, more so, his "betrayal", having wanted Nagato to save the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique for Madara. He later confronted Naruto about this to found how he could have swayed Nagato. Naruto asserts that Nagato truly did aspire to bringing peace unlike Tobi, who is solely obsessed with power, despite his ambition being the same as Nagato's. Soon after, Tobi arrives to Amegakure and kills Konan to get the location of the shrine where Nagato is laid to rest. Stating that he was the "Third Six Paths" (三人目の六道, Sanninme no Rikudō), Tobi takes Nagato's body into the other dimension. Soon after, Tobi replaces the left Sharingan he lost from fighting Konan with one of Nagato's Rinnegan eyes. Later, during the Fourth Shinobi World War, Tobi duplicates Nagato's Six Paths of Pain method on the reincarnated Yugito, Yagura, Rōshi, Han, Utakata, and Fū as his Six Paths of Pain. Nagato himself viewed the legacy he left behind as a poor one and hoped that Naruto, his fellow disciple would leave a better one that would erase his own.
Nagato (長 門, Nagato) dibesarkan di Amegakure selama Perang Dunia Kedua Shinobi. Yatim piatu karena konflik, Nagato bersatu dengan sesama perang-anak yatim untuk membentuk Akatsuki, sebuah organisasi yang tujuan adalah untuk menghentikan siklus tak berujung kematian. Setelah temannya dan pemimpin, Yahiko, dibunuh karena memberitakan perdamaian, Nagato menjadi yakin dunia tidak akan pernah berhenti berjuang rela kecuali tahu apa sakit yang benar adalah. Dia mengadopsi alias of Pain (ペ イ ン, Pein) dan mulai memimpin Akatsuki dalam upaya untuk memaksa dunia ke dalam keadaan damai karena takut kerusakan dengan tangan Akatsuki.
latar Belakang

Nagato sebagai seorang anak.

Ketika Nagato masih kecil, Madara Uchiha mengklaim telah ditransplantasikan matanya sendiri ke anak laki-laki tanpa sepengetahuannya. [7]

Nagato tinggal bersama orang tuanya di sebuah desa di suatu tempat di pinggiran Amegakure. Suatu hari, selama Perang Dunia Kedua Shinobi, dua shinobi Konoha mencoba untuk menemukan beberapa istirahat dan makanan di rumah mereka pikiran-to-be-ditinggalkan. Percaya bahwa shinobi berada di sana untuk membunuh mereka, orang tuanya meninggal selama kekacauan berikutnya dalam upaya mereka untuk melindungi Nagato, seperti bingung dan terkejut, ninja Konoha mengira mereka musuh shinobi. Setelah menyaksikan kematian orang tua nya, Nagato dalam kesedihannya menggunakan rinnegan untuk pertama kalinya dan membunuh para penyerang. [8] Nagato akhirnya akan datang untuk menganggap ini sebagai yang pertama dari dua sumber rasa sakit dalam hidupnya, [9] hanya kemudian menyadari bahwa itu adalah dia yang telah membunuh dua shinobi. [10]

The Nagato yatim piatu berjalan negara itu, perjalanan dari rumah ke rumah bersama seekor anjing bernama Chibi, mengemis untuk makanan. Akhirnya, Nagato mulai kelaparan dan kemudian runtuh, yang menyebabkan dia ditemukan oleh Konan, yang memberinya sepotong roti sebelum membawanya ke tempat persembunyian dia dan Yahiko telah membuat rumah mereka. Pada awalnya, Yahiko enggan untuk memiliki mulut lain untuk makan, tapi dipertimbangkan kembali setelah Nagato berkeliaran karena kedua anak laki-laki berbagi mimpi dunia tanpa menderita. Tiga kemudian mulai mencari pasokan, sering mencuri mereka untuk bertahan hidup. Suatu hari, Chibi tewas dalam baku tembak dari memerangi Hanzō dengan beberapa shinobi Konoha, termasuk Sannin, dengan Nagato dan anak-anak lain kemudian berduka atas kematian anjing. [11] Sebagai perang sudah mendekati kesimpulannya, tiga anak yatim menemui Sannin sendiri. Meskipun Orochimaru dimaksudkan untuk membunuh anak-anak untuk menempatkan mereka keluar dari penderitaan mereka, Jiraiya memutuskan untuk tetap tinggal di Amegakure untuk mengajarkan trio bagaimana melindungi diri mereka sendiri. [12]

AME OrphansT

The Ame Yatim.

Segera setelah Jiraiya mulai hidup dengan anak yatim, Nagato dan Yahiko diserang oleh Iwagakure Chunin dari. Kebutuhan untuk melindungi temannya yang disebabkan Nagato sadar resor untuk Rinnegan sekali lagi untuk membela Yahiko, membunuh ninja. Ketika Jiraiya tahu tentang ini, ia memutuskan untuk melatih mereka dalam ninjutsu. [13] Nagato sangat emosional tentang pembunuhan ninja, dan meminta Jiraiya untuk membantu sehingga ia bisa melindungi Konan dan Yahiko. Tanggapan Jiraiya adalah untuk Nagato tumbuh dan menggunakan mata untuk menemukan kedamaian yang mereka berdua diinginkan bagi dunia. Tiga tahun kemudian, anak-anak telah menjadi seorang ninja yang kompeten, sehingga Jiraiya kembali ke Konoha. [14]
Kelompok Yahiko

The Akatsuki asli.

Selama bertahun-tahun, berita tentang eksploitasi mereka akan mencapai Jiraiya, sering terdiri dari kematian seseorang yang menentang mereka. Akhirnya, ia menerima kabar bahwa mereka semua mati. [15] Sebenarnya, Nagato, Konan, dan Yahiko memulai pencarian untuk menemukan kedamaian dengan membentuk sebuah organisasi bernama Akatsuki dengan Yahiko sebagai pemimpinnya. Mereka menjadi penuh Amegakure Ninja dan mengumpulkan pengikut yang berbagi filosofi mereka serta impian mereka mengakhiri semua konflik. [16] Pada titik tertentu, Obito Uchiha dan Zetsu menemukan Nagato, dengan Obito memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Madara Uchiha. [17 ] trio memiliki keraguan mereka tentang pria bertopeng benar-benar menjadi Madara, tapi Nagato menjadi tertarik pada rencananya setelah mendengar "Madara" menyebutkan Rinnegan dan apa yang bisa dia lakukan dengan itu. [18]

Khawatir bahwa Akatsuki akan menjadi ancaman bagi rezimnya, Hanzō bersekongkol dengan Danzō dari Konoha Akar untuk menghilangkan tiga anggota terkemuka dengan membuatnya tampak bahwa Hanzo ingin membicarakan perdamaian. Setelah jebakan itu bermunculan, Hanzō ditempatkan Nagato dalam posisi di mana ia harus membunuh Yahiko dengan kunai, jika tidak Konan akan mati. Sebelum Nagato bisa mengambil salah satu opsi, Yahiko paksa tertusuk dirinya ke kunai yang ditempatkan di tangan Nagato, hemat dia dari membuat suatu keputusan yang mengerikan sendiri. Dalam saat-saat terakhirnya, Yahiko mengatakan Nagato untuk bertahan hidup karena ia percaya dia menjadi penyelamat bahwa Jiraiya berbicara tentang. Kematian temannya menandai sakit besar kedua kehidupan Nagato. [19]

Nagato Statue

Nagato setelah ia menggunakan Patung iblis.

Hancur karena ia diambil Konan bersama dengan mayat Yahiko, Nagato marah melancarkan serangan terhadap pria Hanzō ini. Setelah memanggil Patung iblis dari Jalan Outer dan menjadi kurus dari batang hitam banyak yang tertanam di punggungnya, Nagato membantai semua orang kecuali Hanzo, yang menggunakan perangkap untuk melumpuhkan kaki Nagato. Menjadi pemimpin baru Akatsuki, sekarang akan dengan nama "Pain", Nagato memutuskan hubungan untuk Amegakure dan memutuskan untuk menunjukkan kepada dunia apa arti dari rasa sakit. [20]

Merancang cara untuk kembali gerakan dengan mengubah tubuh Yahiko menjadi yang pertama dari Enam Jalan of Pain, Jalan Deva, Pain memimpin pasukan memberontak dalam perang sipil Amegakure dan mengambil kendali desa dengan membunuh Hanzō. Menyembunyikan tubuh sejati dalam bayang-bayang, dan menjadi "tuhan" bagi orang-orang Amegakure, Pain mengukuhkan kepemimpinannya dengan sistematis membunuh siapa saja yang memiliki hubungan dengan mantan pemimpin, dari teman dan keluarga untuk duta besar dari desa-desa ninja lainnya. [21] [22 ] pada beberapa titik selama waktu ini setelah kematian Yahiko, Nagato jatuh di bawah komando Obito Uchiha dan Akatsuki telah direformasi menjadi sebuah organisasi kriminal melalui pengaruhnya.

Sebagai seorang anak, Nagato adalah sensitif, anak laki-laki ramah, mudah menangis, dan trauma oleh gagasan membunuh orang lain, bahkan jika itu untuk menyelamatkan temannya Yahiko. Takut dan tidak yakin pada tempatnya di dunia, dia ingin membantu orang-orang yang peduli, tapi tidak pernah tahu bagaimana. Dia secara konsisten menghormati dan baik untuk Konan, yang dia mengaku sebagai "malaikat" di Amegakure. Dia ditunjukkan melindungi dirinya, tanpa permintaan atau ragu-ragu dari Jiraiya sebelum pertempuran dengan mantan guru. Rupanya, dia adalah satu-satunya anggota Akatsuki yang ditujukan kepadanya oleh nama. Dia menyadari perasaan Konan terhadap Yahiko dan meninggalkan mereka sendiri untuk memiliki waktu pribadi bersama-sama.

Sebagai orang dewasa, setelah kehilangan Yahiko, kepribadiannya menjadi sangat berbeda, setelah menjadi seorang pria menyendiri, pendiam, dan serius. Rupanya percaya trauma yang ia alami di masa mudanya telah tercerahkan dia untuk arti sebenarnya dari rasa sakit dan penderitaan, ia menganggap dirinya dewa, dan percaya bahwa ia telah berevolusi melampaui manusia belaka. Dia berusaha menunjukkan kepada dunia makna rasa sakit dengan menggunakan senjata pamungkas untuk mencegah perang di masa depan, dengan cara yang mirip dengan "saling meyakinkan kehancuran", dan tidak menunjukkan moral keraguan tentang tindakannya. Dia bahkan bersedia untuk membunuh Jiraiya, mantan sensei, untuk memastikan penyelesaian rencananya. Dia bahkan pergi sejauh untuk menyatakan dirinya sebagai "dewa perdamaian", yang harus membimbing dunia hingga jatuh tempo melalui rasa sakit. Akhirnya, ia merasa bahwa tidak ada yang bisa memahami perdamaian sejati kecuali mereka mengerti "benar" sakit, sesuatu masa kecilnya teman Yahiko percaya. Minato Namikaze percaya Tobi telah menggunakan filosofi ini dalam mendukung, dalam rangka untuk memanipulasi Nagato. [23]

Meskipun demikian, ia dipandang sangat hormat, terutama untuk yang jatuh dan mati. Mengingat sering bertengkar anggota Akatsuki ', dia sering ditumpas mereka dan mendorong hubungan yang lebih baik antara anggota. Dia bahkan menyarankan bahwa mereka berkabung untuk Deidara setelah kematiannya, [24] dan menegur Kisame untuk memanggil Hidan dan Kakuzu yang "Zombie Combo". [25] Setelah pertempuran dengan Jiraiya, ia memegang hening sejenak untuk mantan guru, karena menghormati kekuasaannya. [26] dia juga mengatakan Kakashi bahwa ia merasa terhormat untuk bertemu dengannya selama invasi Konohagakure. [27]

Karena Konohagakure ikut bertanggung jawab atas tragedi dalam hidupnya, ia memegang banyak permusuhan menuju desa. Meskipun pengaruh Jiraiya membaik pendapatnya desa selama mereka bersama, ia akhirnya datang untuk percaya bahwa Konoha keuntungan dari tragedi orang lain dan membencinya dan mantan guru.

Sebuah sifat umum yang dimiliki Nagato selama tahun-tahun awal (dan sampai batas tertentu dewasa nya) adalah tunduk dan kesediaannya untuk mengikuti jejak orang lain. Sebagai seorang anak, ia mengikuti Yahiko karena posisinya sebagai pemimpin, dan ketika ia tumbuh dewasa ia segera jatuh untuk manipulasi Obito yang menyamar dirinya sebagai Madara tetapi diselamatkan oleh Yahiko. Setelah kematian Yahiko, Nagato segera beralih ke Obito untuk kepemimpinan percaya dia untuk menjadi Madara dan ketika mendorong ke jurang kekalahan dia bertobat oleh Naruto dalam satu percakapan.

Setelah reinkarnasi nya, Nagato terbukti lebih ramah dan riang ke titik ia bahkan bersedia untuk mulai membuat lelucon, sesuatu yang mengejutkan Naruto. [28] Menurutnya Naruto juga diperkuat setelah ia terakhir melihatnya, menunjuk ke Itachi Uchiha yang dia tidak terkejut bahwa Naruto mampu memajukan kekuasaannya atas Sembilan-tailed Demon Fox karena mereka berdua telah belajar di bawah master yang sama. [29]
Yatim Ame dewasa muda

The Ame Yatim dewasa.

Nagato adalah seorang pria berkulit putih dengan dagu-panjang rambut merah (warna yang merupakan merek dagang dari klan Uzumaki) dengan sifat yang paling terlihat keberadaannya mata Rinnegan nya. Sebagai seorang anak, rambutnya secara teratur akan menggantung dari wajahnya menghalangi pandangan matanya; kemudian hanya menutupi sisi kanan wajahnya. Sebagai orang dewasa, Nagato tumbuh menjadi sedikit lebih pendek dari Yahiko, tapi setelah menundukkan dirinya pada Panggil: Patung iblis dari Jalan Outer, Nagato berkurang menjadi versi kurus diri mantan dengan receiver chakra ditanamkan ke punggung, satu di masing-masing sendi bahu nya, yang lebih kecil di lengan dan dua sekrup logam seperti di bawah tulang kerah, dekat sendi bahunya. Nagato menggunakan walker mekanik untuk mobilitas, yang dapat api penerima chakra untuk pertahanan pribadi. Dia adalah satu-satunya anggota Akatsuki tidak pernah terlihat mengenakan seragam organisasi, sampai setelah kematiannya, dan dia berhenti memakai pelindung dahi memangkas keluar setelah mengalahkan Hanzō. Namun, Enam Jalan of Pain mengenakan kedua menggantikan dia. Setelah Nagato menggunakan Jalur Luar: Samsara Surgawi Teknik Hidup untuk menghidupkan semua warga Konohagakure yang telah terbunuh selama invasi, rambut merahnya memutih karena kelelahan chakra nya. Ketika reinkarnasi oleh Kabuto, Nagato yang tersisa di negara persis seperti dia meninggal - kurus dan dengan rambut putih. Satu-satunya pengecualian adalah batang hitam yang tidak lagi melekat pada tubuhnya. Namun, setelah Nagato menggunakan kemampuannya untuk menyerap chakra dari B Version 2 bentuk, chakra ini tampaknya direvitalisasi tubuh Nagato, memulihkan massa otot, dan memulihkan warna rambutnya dari putih kembali ke warna merah karakteristik klan Uzumaki.
Nagato menggunakan Jalur Asura

Nagato menggunakan kemampuan dari Enam Jalan Teknik setelah bereinkarnasi.

Sebagai pemimpin S-rank pidana organisasi Akatsuki, dan salah satu dari dua sisi perang sipil Amegakure, Nagato adalah seorang shinobi sangat kuat, dan diakui sebagai anggota paling kuat dari Akatsuki. Sebagai seorang anak, ia sangat kuat bahkan sebelum menjadi shinobi, telah membunuh Chunin sekaligus melindungi Yahiko. Bahkan dalam keadaan kurus, ia dianggap terkuat kedua reinkarnasi shinobi Kabuto Yakushi, karena yang terakhir mencatat bahwa ia harus membawa kartu truf setelah Nagato disegel. [30] Rekannya, Konan, telah menyatakan bahwa ia tidak pernah kehilangan pertempuran tunggal, dan bahwa ia "tak terkalahkan." [31] [32] Fukasaku menyatakan bahwa tanpa memahami kekuatan Pain, tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkannya, [33] dan bahkan Obito mencatat bahwa Nagato tak terkalahkan sementara memuji Jiraiya. [34] Bahkan Kakashi Hatake, yang tercatat sebagai salah satu shinobi atas Konoha, memilih untuk tidak menghadapi Nagato sendiri, [35] dan akhirnya dikalahkan oleh yang terakhir bersama Chōza dan Chōji Akimichi. [36] Nagato juga mampu membunuh Jiraiya dengan relatif mudah setelah mengungkapkan semua enam tubuh nya. Dalam memuji mantan guru, Nagato kemudian mencatat bahwa ia telah meremehkan tingkat Jiraiya penggunaan genjutsu, menyatakan bahwa ia mungkin tidak akan menang jika Jiraiya telah mengungkap rahasia di balik Enam Jalan teknik Nyeri. [26] Itu dengan enam mayat ini bahwa Nagato memimpin perang saudara di Amegakure yang tidak hanya mudah membunuh Hanzō dan menggulingkan rezimnya, tetapi juga diberantas keturunan dan orang nya jauh terkait dengan dia dan cita-citanya. [21] [22] Zetsu menyatakan shock ketika Nagato dikalahkan oleh Naruto Uzumaki , menyatakan bahwa dia tidak pernah berpikir Nagato akan pernah kalah, bahkan dalam keadaan lemah. [37]

Setelah bereinkarnasi oleh Kabuto Yakushi dan mendapatkan kembali vitalitas, ia mampu dengan mudah mengalahkan keduanya Naruto Uzumaki di Sembilan-ekor mode Chakra dan Killer B dan akan membunuh mereka berdua itu tidak pernah intervensi Itachi Uchiha. Butuh upaya gabungan dari tiga orang untuk berhasil mengalahkannya.

Kaki Nagato itu sangat rusak dalam pertempuran melawan Hanzō. Akibatnya, meskipun ia mampu berdiri sendiri, ia tidak memiliki mobilitas penuh. Untuk make up untuk ini, sementara hidup, Nagato digunakan Enam Jalan of Pain berjuang untuk sementara dia tetap dalam walker mekanik. Ketika ia bereinkarnasi oleh Kabuto, ia menggunakan berbagai panggilan untuk bergerak dan untuk menjaga dirinya dari berbagai serangan lawan-lawannya '. Meskipun bahkan setelah diremajakan oleh Gyūki chakra, yang telah diserap dari Pembunuh B, mobilitas Nagato masih terbatas.
Stamina dan Life Force

Sebagai anggota klan Uzumaki, ia juga memiliki sebuah kekuatan hidup yang sangat kuat dan potensi untuk masa hidup yang sangat panjang. Telah dicatat di beberapa titik dalam waktu bahwa Nagato memiliki jumlah luar biasa besar chakra yang sangat kuat. Anbu pendamping Tsunade mengungkapkan kejutan pada seberapa banyak chakra dia bisa menghasilkan melalui Deva Path. Itu sampai-sampai bahkan setelah ia hancur Konoha dan berjuang Naruto Uzumaki, ia masih memiliki cukup kekuatan untuk menghidupkan kembali semua orang yang telah tewas sejak tiba di desa. Demikian juga, Nagato menunjukkan kontrol besar atas chakra nya, mampu secara konstan mengubah sifatnya untuk mencegah sensor dari mendeteksi tanda tangannya.

Meskipun tidak ditampilkan secara penuh, Nagato telah menunjukkan tingkat tinggi taijutsu dipamerkan melalui Enam Jalan of Pain, dan terutama Jalan Asura. Dia dengan mudah dapat mengalahkan karakter sebagai terampil dalam taijutsu sebagai Kakashi Hatake melalui Jalur Deva dengan penerima chakra meskipun Sharingan aktif. Ia juga mampu bersaing dengan Sage kekuatan mode Jiraiya, mampu memblokir salah satu tendangan melalui Jalur Manusia dengan satu tangan meskipun jalan yang sedang dibutakan. Bahkan orang-orang seperti Pembunuh B telah dengan mudah dikendalikan oleh dia dengan satu tangan. Tidak hanya itu, ketika jalan Deva nya berada di bawah dingin turun setelah menggunakan versi raksasa Shinra Tensei ia mampu melawan Naruto Uzumaki hampir-merata di taijutsu sementara ia sedang bersiap-siap untuk kembali ke Sage Mode meskipun pelatihan taijutsu ekstensif Naruto dengan kodok.

Dia juga telah menunjukkan kecepatan yang sangat mengesankan dan refleks juga. Ketika menyelamatkan Konan dari Hanzō ia bisa menutupi jumlah besar jarak dalam sekejap dengan Hanzō tidak mampu bereaksi sampai setelah ia menyelamatkan Konan. Dia bisa dengan mudah bereaksi terhadap Naruto dilemparkan Wind Release: Rasenshuriken, baik menghindari dengan kurang dari satu detik untuk cadangan atau memblokir dengan Preta Path, sebuah prestasi yang hanya telah direplikasi oleh Raikage Ketiga. Dan setelah reinkarnasi ia mampu menyerang Pembunuh B dari belakang setelah meniup dia jarak yang cukup jauh dengan fokus Shinra Tensei, praktis muncul tepat di belakangnya entah dari mana meskipun mobilitas yang terbatas.

Seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam beberapa kasus, Nagato juga sangat tangguh, yang mampu menahan Versi langsung 2 menjerat dilakukan oleh Pembunuh B tanpa cedera yang signifikan. [38] Dia juga memiliki toleransi yang tinggi terhadap rasa sakit, tidak menunjukkan ketidaknyamanan signifikan pada memiliki kedua kakinya sebagian meledak dan terbakar, cedera yang akan menghambat mobilitasnya selama sisa hidupnya. [39]
Teknik Magic Lantern Tubuh

Nagato menggunakan teknik Magic Lantern Tubuh melalui Jalur Deva.

Sementara bertindak melalui jalan Deva, Nagato ditampilkan berbagai teknik. Nagato bertanggung jawab untuk pertemuan Akatsuki dengan menggunakan teknik yang memungkinkan dia untuk mengambil gelombang pikiran mereka dan menyiarkan mereka dalam bentuk proyeksi astral ke lokasi tertentu. Selama waktu ketika binatang berekor sedang diekstrak dari jinchūriki, Nagato akan menyiapkan berbagai cara untuk kios dan mencegah penyelamat potensial dari mendapatkan mereka pada waktunya untuk menghentikan ekstraksi. Di antara berbagai teknik adalah Lima Seal Barrier, yang mencegah orang dari menghancurkan apa pun yang berada dalam batas-batas tanpa secara bersamaan mengeluarkan lima segel - metode yang efektif untuk membagi pasukan musuh. Nagato juga menambahkan prosedur keselamatan lain, yang diaktifkan setelah segel telah dihapus, membuat salinan yang sempurna menyerupai orang-orang yang dihapus segel, meniru keterampilan pertempuran mereka juga. Teknik lain yang Nagato digunakan untuk menunda dan menghentikan pengejar dari mengganggu ekstraksi adalah Teknik berubah bentuk, yang memungkinkan Nagato untuk mengalokasikan sebagian dari chakra individu dan transfer menjadi pengorbanan manusia hidup, yang memungkinkan asli untuk melawan dengan mengendalikan "copy" mereka . Hal ini memungkinkan pengorbanan untuk mencapai kekkei genkai apa pun, teknik dan senjata yang dimiliki individu. Namun, setelah chakra dialokasikan selesai bersama dengan korban sendiri, teknik ini akan membatalkan dan salin akan dibunuh. Nagato juga mahir menggunakan genjutsu, setelah menggunakannya untuk menginstal hambatan mental dan perangkap dalam pikiran antek-anteknya 'untuk mencegah orang lain mengakses informasi rahasia. [40]

Nagato mampu menggunakan Teknik Panggil untuk memanggil Konan dan Enam Jalan lainnya. Dia juga bisa menggunakan Amplifikasi Panggil Teknik, yang memungkinkan dia untuk memanggil hewan dengan kondisi tertentu. Selanjutnya, ketika menjaga Amegakure Nagato bisa menggunakan Tiger Rain di Teknik Will untuk membuat hujan. Hujan ini diresapi dengan chakra nya dan dengan demikian, menjabat sebagai teknik sensorik skala besar baginya di desanya. Nagato juga sensor, dan mampu mendeteksi membangun dari Amaterasu sebelum diluncurkan dan bahkan menentukan Kabuto Yakushi kilometer jauhnya meskipun yang terakhir telah mendirikan sebuah penghalang di sekitar lokasi itu. [41] [42]

Artikel utama: Rinnegan
Nagato Rinnegan

Nagato rinnegan.

Nagato memegang kekuatan legendaris Rinnegan, [7] yang dojutsu yang tidak terlihat oleh dunia sejak dimiliki oleh Sage dari Enam Jalan, shinobi pertama di dunia, dan pendiri ninjutsu modern. Sementara tidak wielder asli, karena Madara Uchiha ditanamkan Rinnegan sendiri ke Nagato, Nagato terbukti mampu memegang kedua mata tanpa kelemahan bahkan dalam keadaan kurus kering; tidak seperti Obito Uchiha, yang hanya tahan satu mata meskipun berbagai augmentations dan pengetahuan maju dojutsu tersebut. [43] Bahkan sebagai seorang anak, Jiraiya mencatat bahwa Nagato menguasai setiap ninjutsu dia mengajar dan dengan Rinnegan, ia mampu menguasai semua lima transformasi alam dasar sebagai anak -. sesuatu yang benar-benar belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya [44] Menurut Ibiki, Rinnegan Nagato memungkinkan untuk menggunakan teknik dia berharap [45] serupa dengan dojutsu besar lainnya, rinnegan diberikan kepadanya dengan visi ditingkatkan. , yang memungkinkan dia untuk melihat chakra dan penghalang dinyatakan tak terlihat teknik, yang digunakan selama invasi Konoha untuk mendeteksi penghalang di sekeliling lokasi. Karena miliknya dari Madara Uchiha Rinnegan dan ia Senju keturunan sendiri, Nagato juga mampu memanggil dan mengendalikan Patung iblis dari Jalan Outer. [7] Seperti pengguna lain dari rinnegan, dan melalui penggunaan dari Jalan Outer, Nagato telah terbukti mampu mewujudkan penerima chakra. Ini adalah kemampuan yang bahkan bisa disalurkan melalui Jalur Deva nya.

Sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh Konan, Nagato bisa menggunakan semua ablities dari Enam Jalan Teknik sendiri, karena mereka semua kemampuan rinnegan. Hal ini kemudian ditunjukkan setelah ia bereinkarnasi oleh Kabuto Yakushi. Dengan kemampuannya untuk secara bersamaan memanfaatkan berbagai kemampuan dari Enam Jalan Teknik dengan satu tubuh, Nagato terbukti menjadi lawan tangguh, mudah berlebihan Naruto dan Killer B pada saat yang sama. Naruto mencatat bahwa sejak ia menggunakan tubuh aslinya, kekuatan dan kecepatan teknik nya berada di tingkat yang lebih tinggi. [46] Namun, ketika pertempuran sendiri, Nagato tanpa perlindungan dan visi bersama yang ditawarkan oleh Enam Jalan Pain.
Enam Jalan of Pain

Artikel utama: Enam Jalan of Pain
New Enam Jalan Anime

Enam Jalan of Pain.

Paling kuat dan paling banyak digunakan teknik Nagato adalah Enam Jalan of Pain (ペ イ ン 六道, Pein Rikudo). Teknik ini memungkinkan Nagato untuk mengendalikan enam mayat yang terpisah seolah-olah mereka sendiri. Masing-masing badan tersebut reanimated mayat yang keduanya terus mobile dengan dan memanfaatkan chakra Nagato sendiri. Dengan menggunakan enam mayat ini untuk memerangi daripada dirinya sendiri, Nagato menghindari risiko dibunuh dalam pertempuran dengan lawan yang kuat dan kompensasi untuk kurangnya mobilitas. Sebagai visi Nagato dikaitkan dengan tubuh, pada dasarnya dia memiliki enam bidang visi, sehingga hampir tidak mungkin bagi musuh untuk menyerang salah satu tubuh tanpa terlihat. Visi Nagato juga terkait dengan Raja Neraka dan berbagai makhluk ia memanggil, yang juga memiliki Rinnegan. Sementara mengendalikan Enam Jalan di bawah alias dari "Pain", Nagato masih dianggap tubuh sebagai entitas yang terpisah dari dirinya sendiri. [47] Jalur tidak dapat merasakan sakit fisik, mayat karena mereka hanya dimanipulasi, yang ditemukan Ibiki Morino ketika ia mencoba menyiksa kedua Hewan Jalur. [48]

Sementara memanfaatkan teknik, Nagato tetap dalam mesin yang bergerak dengan enam kaki mekanik yang relatif kecil dan menggunakan beberapa batang chakra besar di punggungnya untuk mengirimkan chakra untuk mayat. Dari lokasi itu, chakra dijemput oleh banyak penerima, dimodelkan sebagai tindikan tubuh pada setiap tubuh. Untuk mengontrol mereka, Nagato harus dekat, dan idealnya pada titik tertinggi, sehingga ia bisa memiliki jangkauan terbaik mungkin. Teknik tertentu, seperti Chibaku Tensei hanya dapat digunakan melalui Enam Jalan sementara mereka dalam jarak tertentu dari Nagato. Output Teknik-Nya juga meningkat sementara berfokus pada hanya satu dari Enam Jalan, meskipun ini akan meninggalkan yang lain rentan dan, dalam kasus overusing kemampuan Path Deva itu, memperpendek umur Nagato dan membutuhkan daya Path Deva itu untuk mengisi ulang untuk jumlah yang lebih lama waktu dari biasanya. Nagato juga mampu api penerima chakra dari walker mekanik dan, dari berbagai cukup dekat, mengendalikan tubuh mereka ditusuk oleh mereka dengan chakra, meskipun efek ini bisa dilawan. [49]

Berdasarkan enam Buddha Alam Reinkarnasi, masing-masing tubuh bernama setelah salah satu teknik Enam Jalan: Deva, Asura, Manusia, Hewan, Preta, dan Naraka. Satu-satunya fitur umum dimiliki oleh badan-badan ini adalah rambut oranye cerah dan Rinnegan mereka. Masing-masing juga memiliki sejumlah besar tubuh dan wajah tindikan dari berbagai bentuk, ukuran, dan pola. Setiap tubuh tampaknya untuk melayani tujuan tertentu dalam pertempuran, seperti memanggil, memperbaiki, dan kemampuan defensif. Nagato sendiri dianggap sebagai Nyeri ketujuh, "Jalan Luar", dengan kontrol atas kekuatan hidup dan mati. Kemampuan Jalan Luar juga memungkinkan untuk digunakan Nagato dari Enam Jalan of Pain. Fukasaku menyatakan bahwa cara terbaik untuk melawan Nyeri adalah untuk mengambil Enam Jalan satu per satu, karena mereka yang paling tangguh saat bertarung bersama-sama. [50]

Nagato telah menunjukkan pikiran yang cukup analitis dan strategis, dan bisa dianggap jenius. Pada usia 10 ia berhasil menguasai semua lima Transformasi Alam dasar serta Yin Rilis, Yang Rilis, dan Yin-Yang Rilis yang menurut Jiraiya benar-benar belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Ketika dalam pertempuran, dia berhati-hati untuk menjaga Enam Jalan of Pain rahasia lengkap, menggunakan satu atau paling banyak tiga badan untuk terlibat lawan sambil menjaga tiga lainnya cadangan. Jika ketiga dikalahkan, ia bisa dengan mudah mengirim tiga lainnya untuk memperkuat mereka dan menyerang musuh ketika mereka lengah.

Ketika ia meluncurkan invasi pada Konohagakure, ia membagi dan ditunjuk tubuh ke dalam tugas-tugas khusus: Asura, Hewan Path, dan Preta Jalur berlari taktik pengalihan sementara Deva Path, Jalan Manusia, dan Jalur Naraka berlari pengintaian. Dengan ini ia mampu melibatkan seluruh desa sekaligus sambil menjaga rahasia niat sebenarnya dan akhirnya ia mampu mencapai tujuannya dalam mencari Naruto. Karena Konoha mulai mencari tahu rahasianya, serta pembangkangan Tsunade, dia menghancurkan desa untuk melestarikan mantan.

Ketika terlibat Naruto, ia memilih formasi tertentu yang akan membeli waktu yang cukup untuk kekuatan Deva Path untuk regenerasi dan menjaga Jalur Naraka aman. Menggunakan strategi ini ia mampu mengalahkan sementara Naruto meskipun kelelahan dan pada kerugian dari awal.
bagian I
Sasuke Retrieval Arc

Nyeri membuat penampilan siluet dengan anggota Akatsuki lain sementara mereka sedang mendiskusikan Orochimaru dan Sembilan-ekor.
bagian II

Nyeri sering muncul sebagai hologram selama busur awal Bagian II, mengadakan anggota Akatsuki setiap kali binatang berekor perlu disegel. Sebagai Bagian II berlangsung, bagian wajahnya yang ditampilkan sebelum berpuncak pada debut penuh bersama Konan.
Kazekage Penyelamatan Arc

Setelah Gaara ditangkap oleh Deidara dan dibawa kembali ke salah satu tempat persembunyian rahasia mereka, Pain mengumpulkan anggota lain dari Akatsuki mana mereka diekstraksi dan disegel Satu-Tail.
Hidan dan Kakuzu Arc

Setelah Yugito Nii ditangkap oleh Hidan dan Kakuzu, Nyeri memimpin anggota Akatsuki dalam penyegelan Tiga-ekor dan penggalian Dua-ekor.
Itachi Pursuit Arc
Hujan Tiger di Teknik Will

Nyeri menghentikan hujan di Amegakure.

Jiraiya, mantan guru Nagato, masuk desa melalui katak. Saat Jiraiya sepenuhnya melepaskan diri dari katak, Nyeri terasa gangguan dalam hujan. Nyeri perintah Konan untuk mencari penyusup, dan berhenti hujan. Sebagai Konan berubah menjadi banyak potongan kertas, dan lipatan dirinya menjadi kupu-kupu tokoh seperti, Nyeri beralih dari jalan Deva ke jalan Hewan. Setelah proses itu selesai, ia berangkat untuk mencari Jiraiya juga.

Jiraiya, sekarang tersembunyi di dalam tubuh, kepala lebih ke Amegakure, dan Konan menangkap dia. Jiraiya keluar dari tubuh, dan mulai pertempuran Konan. Konan akhirnya menjadi tertutup dalam minyak; tidak untuk pertempuran. Nyeri datang untuk menyelamatkan Konan dan membersihkan dari minyak dengan busa dengan Teknik Panggil nya. Nyeri kemudian memanggil bunglon, dan menyamarkan dirinya. Jiraiya set off Barrier tersebut: Formasi Metode Canopy, setelah memanggil "kikuk" kodok: Gamaken. Panggilan Nyeri lagi, tapi kali ini, anjing multi-berkepala. Jiraiya memiliki waktu yang sangat sulit melawan ini karena akan melarikan diri sebagian besar serangan Gamaken ini, dan agak regenerasi. Jiraiya selesai dari anjing dengan menjebak mereka dalam perut kodok dan mencerna mereka. Nyeri kemudian memanggil burung bor berparuh. Burung itu berikut Jiraiya dan membuat banyak usaha untuk membunuhnya, meskipun gagal dan akhirnya terbakar. Nyeri kemudian memanggil badak, meskipun dengan cepat akan selesai off oleh Gamaken. Nyeri kemudian memanggil seekor lembu raksasa, dan berhasil memukul Jiraiya. Perisai berangkat dengan Jiraiya self-destruct, mengirimkan sapi terbang. Segera setelah mengalahkan sapi, ia menyelesaikan Sage Mode aktivasi dan memanggil Fukasaku dan Shima. Mereka berdua dengan mudah membuang bunglon, mengungkapkan jalan Hewan. The Preta Jalan dan Jalan Manusia keduanya dipanggil, dalam rangka menghadapi Jiraiya.
Memblokir Teknik Penyerapan Seal

The Preta Jalur menyerap serangan Jiraiya.

Jalan Manusia mencoba untuk membunuh Jiraiya, meskipun itu akan dibutakan oleh tendangan Jiraiya untuk kepalanya. Jiraiya kemudian mencoba untuk membakar semua tiga Jalan dengan Sage Seni: Goemon, meskipun itu akan diserap oleh Jalan Preta. Jiraiya kemudian menggunakan Ultra-Big Bola Rasengan, meskipun juga akan diserap. Serangan Jalur Manusia sekali lagi, dan buta, pukulan blok Jiraiya. Jalan Hewan akan terganggu oleh katak, dan mendapat diserang oleh Jiraiya Sage Art: Hair Needle Senbon. Blok Hewan Jalan serangan dengan memanggil panda raksasa. Jiraiya analisis serangan mereka, dan lolos ke dalam pipa. Sementara di pipa, ia menyimpulkan bahwa genjutsu akan memberinya pembukaan melawan rinnegan.
Jiraiya dibunuh oleh Nyeri

Nagato Enam Jalan of Pain menghabisi Jiraiya.

The Jalur kemudian diikuti Jiraiya, dan ketika melakukan hal itu, terjebak dalam genjutsu. Jiraiya kemudian menghancurkan Jalur. Seperti daun Jiraiya, ia membiarkan penjaga ke bawah. Salah satu Jalur berhasil menyelinap di belakangnya, dan menghilangkan lengannya. Jalan lain datang bersama-sama, termasuk orang-orang yang terbunuh (yang diremajakan oleh Jalan Naraka). Jiraiya berhasil membunuh jalan Hewan, meskipun akhirnya menjadi brutal dibunuh pada gilirannya. Sebagai Jiraiya tenggelam ke kedalaman dalam laut, Nyeri memegang mengheningkan cipta di menghormati mantan tuannya.
Tsuchigumo Kinjutsu Arc

Artikel utama: Tsuchigumo Kinjutsu Arc
Nyeri menghadapkan Utakata

Enam Jalan of Pain menghadapi Utakata.

Dalam anime, setelah mendapatkan pengganti Path Hewan, Nyeri ditampilkan telah ditugaskan untuk menangkap Enam-ekor, yang disegel dalam Utakata, yang hilang-nin dari Kirigakure. Selama pencariannya, Jalan Hewan memiliki nya Raksasa Multi-Headed Dog pramuka daerah, di mana ia menemukan dan membunuh sekelompok Kirigakure pemburu-nin dipimpin oleh Tsurugi. Ketika Utakata kemudian mencari Tsurugi dan anak buahnya untuk menyerahkan diri, ia malah menemukan Sakit; Nyeri mengatakan Utakata bahwa ia akan diperlukan untuk menciptakan dunianya, dan memberitahu jinchūriki bahwa ia akan mengambil Enam-ekor. Enam Jalan of Pain cepat menangkapnya dan kemudian diekstraksi binatang.
Invasi Pain Arc

Lihat juga:. Invasi Pain Dengan hanya Sembilan-ekor dan Delapan-ekor tersisa, Pain dan Konan berangkat ke Konoha setelah menerima perintah dari Tobi untuk menangkap mantan [51] Menghilangkan penjaga perbatasan pada saat kedatangan mereka, mereka menyusup desa dan tersebar, dengan masing-masing enam Jalur memiliki tugas khusus: Asura, Preta, dan hewan Jalur menjabat sebagai hiburan, sedangkan Deva, Manusia, dan Naraka Jalur dan Konan bertanggung jawab atas pengintaian. Sambil menjelajahi dan meletakkan sampah ke desa dan penduduknya, Jalan Deva dihadapkan oleh Kakashi Hatake. The Asura datang untuk membantu dan bersama-sama mereka kewalahan Kakashi dan sekutu-sekutunya, tapi Jalan Asura hancur.
Nyeri di Konoha

Nyeri mempersiapkan diri untuk menghancurkan Konoha.

Di seberang desa, Jalan yang tersisa melanjutkan tugasnya, melawan Konoha apapun Ninja mereka datang di.The Deva Path met with Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, who refused to reveal Naruto's location.Elsewhere, the Human Path used its unique interrogation technique on Shizune to learn that Naruto was at Mount Myōboku.Declaring that he would teach Tsunade the pain that Konoha had been so ignorant of, Nagato had the Deva Path use Shinra Tensei to obliterate the village while Konan and the other Paths withdrew.

As the smoke cleared, the Deva Path found that Naruto had returned with his toad allies. In retaliation for the village's destruction, Naruto swiftly crushed the newly-restored Asura Path and began his fight with the remaining Paths of Pain. The Animal Path called upon its summons to attack Naruto, who parried them with the aid of his toads and proceeded to defeat the Preta Path. Soon afterwards, Naruto eliminated the Human Path with his Wind Release: Rasenshuriken, and then teamed up with Gamabunta to defeat the Animal Path.
Naruto pin down

Pain pins Naruto down.

With four of the Paths gone, the temporarily powerless Deva Path protected the Naraka Path, which restored the Preta Path. The Preta Path absorbed a second Rasenshuriken, but it had only been a diversion to give Naruto an opportunity to finish off the Naraka Path. The Deva Path, its power returned, detained Naruto so that the Preta Path could capture him and absorbed his chakra to immobilise him. Doing so caused it to absorb senjutsu chakra, which had the side effect of turning it to stone. Naruto escaped its clutches, but was seized once again by the Deva Path, who pinned him to the ground with chakra disruption blades. The Deva Path lectured Naruto about the chain of hatred, pain, suffering, and war that the ninja system brought to the world, and how he planned to use the tailed beasts' power to achieve peace and end conflict. He asks if Naruto can think of a better solution, but Naruto does not respond.

Before the Deva Path could take Naruto away, Hinata Hyūga came to his defence. When she is apparently killed, Naruto became enraged and entered his six-tailed form, with which the Deva Path could not compete in its current condition. The Deva Path retreated to a location closer to Nagato, who had secluded himself nearby in order to control the Six Paths of Pain. This allowed the Deva Path to use Chibaku Tensei, trapping Naruto in a massive orb of earth and debris. This victory was short-lived, as Naruto soon progressed to an eight-tailed form and broke free of the Chibaku Tensei. Realising that he would have to make the sphere larger, it suddenly began to crumble and Naruto, reverting to his normal form, emerged from the ruins.
dua mahasiswa

Nagato and Konan meet Naruto.

Reflecting on the earlier lecture, Naruto demanded an opportunity to speak with Nagato, but was denied and attacked by the Deva Path. After failing to use Wind Release: Rasenshuriken twice, by taking advantage of the five second gap between the Deva Path's ability, Naruto was able to defeat it with a well-timed Rasengan. He removed one of its chakra receivers and inserted it into his skin to track the signal back to Nagato. Naruto goes to see him, but when he arrives Nagato fires another chakra receiver at him to try and control him. Naruto resists it despite his close proximity to Nagato. Although angry with Nagato for killing Jiraiya and destroying Konoha, Naruto asks how, as a fellow student of Jiraiya, he could have strayed so far from their master's teachings. Hoping that Naruto would come to agree with his solution for peace, Nagato told him his past, of his two great sorrows and how he came to believe pain would save the world.

Although Naruto agreed with Nagato's ultimate conclusion, he rejected it for differing with Jiraiya's ideals. In doing so, he answered Nagato's earlier question about how to attain peace: by "breaking the cycle of hatred". He decided not to attempt to kill Nagato, as that would only perpetuate the cycle of revenge.
Nagato Death Smile

Nagato dying with a smile.

Amazed by Naruto's resolve and remembering Jiraiya's teachings, Nagato decided to put his faith in Naruto's answer and used the Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique to revive all the Konohagakure citizens killed during his invasion at the cost of his life, causing his red-hair to turn pure white due to the overexertion. With his final breath, dying with a smile on his face, Nagato wished for Naruto's dream of peace to come true and, in regard to both the youth and their mentor's book, felt it was like "the work of a true god".
Chikara Arc

Main article: Chikara Arc In the anime, Nagato is summoned by Kabuto to battle Team Kakashi, who are investigating the massacre that he brought about in The Hole. Quickly after being summoned, Nagato's coffin vanishes with Kabuto questioning if the Impure World Reincarnation is incomplete.[52]
Membatasi para Jinchūriki Arc

In an attempt to both impede Tobi and coerce him into joining forces during their initial encounter, Kabuto Yakushi demonstrated his capabilities by reincarnating many of the deceased members of Akatsuki, including Nagato, using Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation. Despite appearing almost exactly in the same condition as the time of his death — visibly emaciated and with white hair — he lacked the chakra transmitters that were formerly embedded into his back.[53]
Shinobi Perang Dunia Arc
Itachi and Nagato

Nagato and Itachi en route.

Mobilised alongside Itachi as the Fourth Shinobi World War against the Allied Shinobi Forces commenced, Nagato though reincarnated was still unable to fully use his feet and as such was initially carried upon Kakuzu's back. Later supported by Itachi, the now-isolated pair walked throughout the night, conversing about Akatsuki and how they both were and continued to be used simply because of their powerful dōjutsu. After pausing at a shrine and discussing Kabuto's influence on Tobi's plan, they march onwards till dawn, when they encountered Naruto and Killer B. Detecting their presence, Nagato noted a nostalgic feeling, before lamenting having to fight Naruto again.
Naruto kills dog

Nagato clashes with Naruto once more.

Pleased to see him nonetheless, he congratulated his fellow disciple on gaining control of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and overcoming his hatred. As they attacked involuntarily, Nagato warned them of Itachi's impending assault, before being shocked at the revelation of the truth behind the Uchiha clan massacre. Using Banshō Ten'in to draw both Naruto and a huge rock towards one another, he marvelled at Naruto being able to deflect the attack. Remarking that the distance between them was good as he had limited mobility, Nagato jokingly retracts this, after summoning his dog and bird. As they clashed, Nagato told Naruto to attack him instead of the summons, because the dog would just continually multiply when struck.

After a crow emerged from Naruto's mouth and sensing a change in Itachi, Nagato warned Naruto that the latter was about to use Amaterasu. However, when his summon is attacked instead, Nagato discerned the crow's purpose but only after he himself was engulfed in black flames. Falling to the ground, he began to burn before later repelling the flames with Shinra Tensei.

A revitalised Nagato removing Naruto's soul.

With Kabuto erasing his consciousness, now regenerated and concealed within his summoned chameleon's mouth, Nagato unleashed a large-scale Shinra Tensei on his opponents. Aiming to attack B amidst the devastation, he is instead struck by the former's Version 2 Lariat, but avoids any significant injury by absorbing B's chakra. This chakra revitalised Nagato's body, returning him to his state prior to being emaciated by the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Casting B aside and whilst Naruto was restrained by the still invisible chameleon, he attempted to remove the latter's soul.

Nagato pierced by the Sword of Totsuka.

After Kabuto decided to confine the jinchūriki's bodies and souls separately within the King of Hell, Nagato halted B's attempt to save Naruto, using two additional arms grown from his shoulder. With the two restrained, he started charging a powerful blast, only to be separated from them through Itachi's intervention. Nagato then proceeded to use Chibaku Tensei but even this was stopped, when its central sphere was destroyed by the combined effort of their strongest long-range techniques. Impaled by Susanoo's Sword of Totsuka before the dust settled, Nagato apologised to Itachi as his consciousness returned. Taking this opportunity to impart his last words, he told Naruto that he was part of a trilogy that included Jiraiya — who was perfect, himself — whom he deemed a failed work, even his master can't acknowledge him, and finally Naruto — whom he asked to create a masterpiece so as to erase his wrongs. Bidding them farewell as the sword seals him, Nagato remarked that he was going to rejoin his teacher in the afterlife. With Nagato sealed, Kabuto cursed the fact that Nagato's mobility was hampered and decided to resort to his "reserve".[54]
Ame Memorial

The shrine where Nagato and Yahiko's bodies lay.

With Nagato's death, Konan defected from the Akatsuki as she stated that she no longer had a reason to remain since both Nagato and Yahiko were dead. She took Nagato's body, and that of Yahiko's back to Amegakure with her for burial. Both of their bodies were dressed in Akatsuki mantles, and laid in a large body of flowers within a shrine. Because Nagato gave his life to help Naruto achieve peace, Konan vows Amegakure's allegiance to him in this pursuit. It was also due to this battle that Naruto noted that he knew what true loss was, and from the subsequent meeting with Nagato and Konan that spurred Naruto on to find peace in the world.

Tobi was surprised by news of Nagato's death and, more so, his "betrayal", having wanted Nagato to save the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique for Madara. He later confronted Naruto about this to found how he could have swayed Nagato. Naruto asserts that Nagato truly did aspire to bringing peace unlike Tobi, who is solely obsessed with power, despite his ambition being the same as Nagato's.

Soon after, Tobi arrives to Amegakure and kills Konan to get the location of the shrine where Nagato is laid to rest. Stating that he was the "Third Six Paths" (三人目の六道, Sanninme no Rikudō), Tobi takes Nagato's body into the other dimension. Soon after, Tobi replaces the left Sharingan he lost from fighting Konan with one of Nagato's Rinnegan eyes. Later, during the Fourth Shinobi World War, Tobi duplicates Nagato's Six Paths of Pain method on the reincarnated Yugito, Yagura, Rōshi, Han, Utakata, and Fū as his Six Paths of Pain. Nagato himself viewed the legacy he left behind as a poor one and hoped that Naruto, his fellow disciple would leave a better one that would erase his own.